Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change People

My SIL put on facebook that she was upset that a certain someone doesn't do anything for her for Valentine's day. My family never celebrated it. He told her BEFORE they got married that he did not believe in Valentine's day. She even admitted that in her post. She KNEW it before they go married.

You cannot marry someone thinking you will change them. If you KNOW something BEFORE you marry them, you cannot then get upset about it after you are married because they don't magically change their mind. I find it so annoying when people get upset about something their significant other does that they KNEW about before. If it is not something you can live with, then you should think about that before you make a commitment. You can't go into something expecting to change someone (it can happen, but don't expect it to)

So if you marry someone that says they don't want a cat/dog/kids/tomatoes/purple/sun, etc. I just don't think you can get upset about them not changing their mind about it just because you are now married.

So quit whining or complaining about something you knew about before - it will only make you unhappy.

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